Action for climate change : is a non-governmental organization dedicated to combating climate change through proactive initiatives, advocacy, and community engagement. Founded in 2020, Action for Climate Change operates with a mission to promote sustainability, mitigate environmental degradation, and foster resilience in vulnerable communities in Somalia.


Our Vision is to envisions a future where every individual, community, and nation thrives in balance with nature, fostering resilience and prosperity amidst changing environmental conditions.


Our mission is to lead transformative action against climate change through education, advocacy, and collaborative partnerships. We strive to empower communities, influence policy, and foster sustainable practices that safeguard our planet's future

Our SkillS
Skills focused on Action for climate change can be diverse and varied, covering technical, analytical, communicative and organizational abilities.

Climate Science and Environmental Knowledge

Understanding climate change dynamics
Environmental system and impact of human activities on planet
Sustainability and Resource Management
Knowledge of sustainable practices, resource and conservation
Policy analysis and Advocacy
Ability to analyze Climate policies, identifying gaps and advocate
Effective climate action at local, national and International level
Climate Adaptation and Resilience
Developing and implementing strategies to help communities
Years of Experience
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Projects Done
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Happy Clients
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Focusing on Action for Climate Change, response and Collaborate with communities, stakeholders and vulnerable groups to understand their needs and perspectives. Raise awareness about climate justice and aticipotory action and build local capacity for climate resilienCE and reduce the impact.

Climate Resilience Progamme

Climate Fund raising Hub

Advocacy for climate

About Sustainable Development Goal 13

Goal 13 calls for urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. It is intrinsically linked to all 16 of the other goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. To address climate change, countries adopted the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius. Learn more about Goal 13.

About COP23

The 2017 UN Climate Conference takes place in Bonn, Germany, from 6-18 November. Leaders of national governments, cities, states, business, investors, NGOs and civil society will gather to speed up climate action to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Change Agreement. The COP is organized by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Visit the official COP23 website. (Somalia)

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